Terms of Service

User discernment
Before utilizing the Sweep Master, it is imperative that you read and evaluate the instructions and tips to determine if the product satisfies your needs and safety requirements. Installing the product and/or performing any actions implies that you are liable for any relevant consequences.
Our privacy policy is an essential part of this agreement, and you must agree to its contents before proceeding with the installation and operation of the product.Additionally, it's important to note that some features of the Sweep Master could result in the cessation, removal or uninstallation of specific programs, functions or files.
By agreeing to the terms of service, you acknowledge that you have a non-transferrable, non-assignable right to use the object code version of the product solely for non-commercial purposes within the agreed-upon timeframe. You may create one backup copy of the product's object code for archival purposes while ensuring to include all notices on each copy. You may not reverse engineer, disassemble, or attempt to access the source code unless permitted by applicable law. If contractual waiver of this right is allowed by applicable law, then you hereby waive your rights to do so.
Do not transfer or assign the product and/or this agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of Sweep Master. Should you breach any of your obligations under this agreement, your rights will be terminated automatically. Upon termination, all copies of the product must be destroyed promptly.
All rights not expressly granted are reserved.


Access to Services
To use our services, you must be at least 13 years old. If you're between the ages of 13 and 18, you should carefully consider whether our product is right for you before using it. By installing and using Sweep Master, you're taking responsibility for any consequences that may result from your actions. Additionally, please read and agree to our privacy policy before using our product. Note that certain features may affect other programs, functions, or files.

License to Use
You can use our services as long as you agree to the terms of this agreement. This license is restricted to personal, non-commercial use of the services in accordance with this agreement. If you violate our terms, we can terminate your license without liability to you. The services and content are owned by us and protected by intellectual property laws. You may not infringe on our or our licensors' rights or create derivative works from the software or intellectual property. Don't transfer or sell our software for profit.



We only use the personal information you provide us for our own internal purposes. This helps us to learn more about your preferences and improve the service we provide. Unless you explicitly approve it or it is permitted by this Agreement, we will not share your personal information with any third parties. However, we cannot guarantee the security of your private transmissions against unauthorized access by third parties. If you require technical support, you agree to allow us to remotely access and review your computer to help resolve issues. We may communicate with you via email or other similar technologies regarding the services we provide, and we may disclose your information to private entities, law enforcement agencies, or government officials if we believe it is necessary to protect the rights or safety of individuals or comply with legal obligations.


Usersinteractions and Parental Guidance

We reserve the right to monitor disputes between Users, but we are not required to do so. It is possible that you may come across inappropriate language or material while using our Services, especially content that may not be suitable for children. While we may take action against users who engage in inappropriate behavior, we cannot guarantee that other users will not post objectionable content. We do not pre-screen user-generated content, and you are solely responsible for your interactions with other Users. If you have concerns about your child's use of our Services, please monitor their activity or restrict their access.



we have the authority to end this Agreement at any time, and we don't need to give you advance notice. If you violate any of the rules outlined in this Agreement or our policies related to the Services, or if you engage in unlawful or deceitful behavior related to the Services, we may terminate this Agreement immediately. After termination, you must stop using the Services completely.


Limitation of Liability

1) You acknowledge and agree that we shall not be held liable for any damages or losses resulting from computer virus infections on your computer, regardless of whether they originated from our server or third-party activities.

2) Subject to applicable laws, you acknowledge and agree that we shall not be held liable or responsible for any actions or outcomes resulting from your access or use of the Services (including, without limitation, loss, costs, damages, claims, actions or liability arising from any breach of this Agreement by any User or third party, deletion or removal of Content, use of In-App Resources, or other activities associated with the Services). In consideration for using the Services, you hereby release us from all claims, demands, damages, causes of action, or liability of any kind or nature, known or unknown, suspected or unsuspected, fixed or contingent, arising out of or related to your use of the Services.

3) Despite any other provision of this Agreement, we will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under this Agreement or any resulting loss, costs, damages, claims, actions, or liability due to unforeseen circumstances or causes beyond our reasonable control. Such causes may include acts of God, government regulation, military action, political disruption, network, server or infrastructure failures, and shortages of labor, fuel, energy, or technology. We are excused from any delay or failure to perform resulting from unforeseeable circumstances or causes that are beyond our reasonable control, and such delay or failure will not be considered a breach of our obligations under this Agreement.

4) Despite what was previously stated, there may be situations where excluding certain warranties or limiting or excluding liability is not allowed by applicable laws. As a result, some of the limitations outlined in this agreement may not be applicable to you. It's important to note that the protections provided by consumer protection laws cannot be impacted by this agreement, and we cannot restrict any liability for deaths or personal injuries resulting from our negligence or fraudulent actions.


Uncensored Information and Third Parties

We want you to know that when we provide links to third-party sites or collaborate with third parties, we are not endorsing, guaranteeing, approving, or sponsoring these parties or the products and services they offer. We also cannot guarantee that third-party sites or client programs are completely free of viruses that may harm your computer. Furthermore, we have no control over the products, services, and business practices of third parties.

It's important to understand that the internet contains content and materials created by third parties, including user message boards. Some of this content may be sexually explicit, obscene, offensive, or even illegal.

We are not liable for the conduct of third parties or for any materials, information, products, or services provided by them, regardless of whether they are other users or third-party service providers, vendors, or operators of external sites. By using our services and the internet in general, you assume all responsibility and risk, including any obligations you may incur in your dealings with third parties. We do not accept responsibility for any content contained in third-party materials accessed through hyper booster links or any other forms, nor do we endorse any third-party products or services.


General Provisions
If we ever provide you with a translated version of this Agreement in a language other than English, please note that the English version shall be the governing one and any discrepancies between translations will defer to the English version. If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it will be removed while the remaining provisions shall remain in effect. Our response to any breach of this Agreement by you or others will not affect our right to take action in response to future breaches. You may not transfer or assign this Agreement or your rights under it without our prior written consent, which we reserve the right to withhold. We have the right to transfer, subcontract and/or sublicense our rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third-party without your consent. This Agreement represents the complete agreement between you and us regarding the Services and supersedes any previous agreements. Any notice required under this Agreement must be submitted through the in-app feedback function and will be considered received on the date it is received.


Contact us

If you have any questions about this Agreement, please contact us at: [email protected].